T-SQL Tuesday #132: How Are You Coping with Pandemic?

Invitation and roundup from Taiob Ali.

This month we will share how each of us is coping with a global pandemic.

2020 is a unique year for all of us. We are living through a worldwide crisis that most of us have not seen or experienced. It has touched almost all aspects of our life. Depending on your location, social interaction has been reduced to almost none for many of us. Our home has become an office, school, day-care center, playground. Many of us lost our family members due to this pandemic. PASS Summit 2020, SQL Saturday events, monthly user group meetings are happening virtually. Most of us who were working in an office building are working remotely. Travel has become a thing of the past. Every individual’s challenges are different. I want all of you to share your experience (with whatever you are comfortable with), how you are dealing with these new challenges, and tips you have for others going through the same.

The enormous scale of the crisis and the impact it is having are naturally causing a lot of fear, uncertainty and anxiety across the globe. Add social isolation, disrupted work and family routines, cabin fever and economic instability, and it is understandable that our mental health is suffering. In a recent survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 45% of adults feel that worry and stress related to coronavirus has had a negative impact on their mental health.


These are few pointers (do not be limited by these) to help you get started.What new challenges were you facing at the beginning of this year?

  • What new challenges were you facing at the beginning of this year?
  • What are the things you had to adjust to deal with these new challenges?
  • What tips you have for others that helped you in coping with the changes during this pandemic?
  • What are the areas you could not find a solution to and that you wish someone can help you?
  • Challenges you noticed, among others, and how they dealt with?
  • Are there new opportunities opened up for you as things shifted to remote, digital?
  • Stories of kindness during this crisis.
  • Anything else you want to share?

We will focus on three areas to share our thoughts. For many of us, separating these three might not be possible, as each one depends on the other. You can write about one or all three areas. You are also welcome to share anything outside of these three areas.

  • Mental health
  • Physical health
  • Professional growth

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