T-SQL Tuesday #040 – Files and Filegroups

Invitation and roundup from Jen McCown.

Hold on! I already hear some of you shouting, “Boooooring!!!”  You don’t have to write a file and filegroup primer, if you don’t want to. Get creative, get tangential! Some of my suggestions:

  • Maybe you’d like to talk about partitioning indexes or tables across filegroups
  • Or performance benefits (still!) of assigning tables to specific drives, via filegroups
  • Or FILESTREAM, specifically (hey, that’s something that requires a specialized filegroup!)
  • Or some horrible misuse of filegroups you’ve seen once  (we always love a SQL horror story)
  • Or, if you have a mind, a file and filegroup backup/restore primer! (Why not? I’m not the only one who loves basics.)
So talk to us, tell us all of your file and filegroup lore!

T-SQL Tuesday #33 – Trick Shot

Invitation and roundup from Mike Fal.

For a while, I was in an amateur pool league.  No, not the one involving water and swimming, but where you try to sink balls into pockets.  It was a lot of fun and is a challenge both for your motor skills as well as your strategy.  I still shoot from time to time, as well as hang out with my old pool buddies.

One thing guys would get into is trick shots.  Two and three rail bank shots, masse shots, or jumping the cue ball to hit the target.  Most of these shots weren’t tournament legal, but they were fun to try and nice to impress the ladies.  More than that, they were a tool to teach you the physics of your pool game.  You could see how throw and English could affect your shot, or how balls would behave after impact.

Just like so many other things I do in my life, the trick shot lessons translate over to SQL Server.  How many times have we built something neat or puzzled out a particular bit of logic that, while it may not have been particularly useful, taught us about how SQL Server behaves.  This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is all about this and the assignment is two-fold:

  1. Show us a cool trick or process you developed, maybe a DMV you used or some reporting logic you created.  It doesn’t have to be useful, just something that you thought was pretty neat.
  2. Tell us what you learned from this trick.  Is it something about an oddity in SSRS?  Maybe with the query processor?  Whatever you did, tell us how it gave you insight in to how SQL Server works.

T-SQL Tuesday #015 – Automation in SQL Server

Invitation and Summary from Pat Wright.

Having taken part in several T-SQL Tuesday’s I decided I would finally put my name in to host one.  I figured it would be a good way to lose my sanity learn some great ideas from this wonderful SQL community.  I figured that since many of you out there set a goal this year to blog more and to learn Powershell then this Topic should help in both of those goals.    So the topic I have chosen for this month is Automation!   It can be Automation with T-SQL or with Powershell or a mix of both.  Give us your best tips/tricks and ideas for making our lives easier through Automation.  Now here are all the details you’ll need for a successful T-SQL Tuesday post!