T-SQL Tuesday #040 – Files and Filegroups

Invitation and roundup from Jen McCown.

Hold on! I already hear some of you shouting, “Boooooring!!!”  You don’t have to write a file and filegroup primer, if you don’t want to. Get creative, get tangential! Some of my suggestions:

  • Maybe you’d like to talk about partitioning indexes or tables across filegroups
  • Or performance benefits (still!) of assigning tables to specific drives, via filegroups
  • Or FILESTREAM, specifically (hey, that’s something that requires a specialized filegroup!)
  • Or some horrible misuse of filegroups you’ve seen once  (we always love a SQL horror story)
  • Or, if you have a mind, a file and filegroup backup/restore primer! (Why not? I’m not the only one who loves basics.)
So talk to us, tell us all of your file and filegroup lore!

T-SQL Tuesday #039 – Can You Shell What the PoSH is Cooking?

Invitation and recap from Wayne Sheffield.

This month, for the first time, I’m hosting the T-SQL Tuesday Party, and you are all invited. I struggled to come up with a suitable topic (for all of 2 seconds), and decided to tie it in with the blog series on PowerShell that I’m currently blogging on. So I’m asking you to blog about using PowerShell for doing, well, anything as long as it is related to SQL Server or the computer that SQL Server runs on. Scripts are encouraged, but not required. I’ll follow up with a recap of the posts about a week later.

T-SQL Tuesday #038 – Standing Firm

Invitation and recap from Jason Brimhall.

To kick off the new year (2013), we must first adhere to a little tradition.  This is not a T-SQL Tuesday tradition.  It is more of an annual tradition for all to welcome the new year.  Feel free to click the link and sing along!!

Now for the theme.  A common thing for many people to do this time of year is to do a little self reflection.  Some set meaningful goals for themselves.  Fewer actually accomplish those goals or even follow-up after initially setting the goal.

We are not going to set goals as a part of this T-SQL Tuesday – unless you want to.  I want to take a little different spin on the New Year’s “resolution” tradition.  So the theme this month is “Standing Firm.”

The idea for this theme is to start with a little self reflection.  Then to come up with a story relating to one of these words: resolve, resolution, or resolute.  Here are some examples of how these stories may be portrayed.

  • Resolve:  A system outage occurred and you “resolved” it.
  • Resolute:  You made an executive decision and did not waver from it.
  • Resolution:  You discovered a bug and documented a work-a-round resolution for it.
  • Resolution:  You have discovered certain T-SQL skills are fuzzy and want to sharpen your ability in that area.
  • Resolute:  You are determined to improve performance in your application.

All of these words are very closely related.  It is up to you to determine how you would like to apply them to your T-SQL world.  Your experiences and stories can be loosely or tightly coupled to T-SQL, it is up to you.

And since the theme requires a little bit of self-reflection first, bonus kudos to those that can tie a past experience to a future plan.